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Image by Randy Tarampi

Kickstart your

Kickstart your career

The future you

Are you at a transitional stage in your professional career and need some guidance to the right path or are you currently experiencing a mid-career rut, feeling lost, disconnected and like you have reached a plateau in professional growth?


This isn’t a typical career program, this six-week group coaching program is designed to help you get to the heart of what you really want to do for a career, to design and ideate what your future could look like, what may be blocking you, and the steps your need to take to move towards that future career, that future you.

Overview of the program

This is a six-week group coaching program where you will assess your purpose, values, goals, and what makes you flourish at work and ultimately determine if you can re-imagine your current career or if it truly is time for a change, and of course make an action plan to take steps towards this. This will be delivered through a mix of mediums including but not limited to:


  • Kick-off call: We will connect on the first Monday, run through the program and get acquainted.

  • Weekly emails and videos: Delivered to your inbox with learning and exercises around that week’s topic, You can watch and complete these in your own time during the week, ready to discuss or continue of the weekly live call.

  • 6 x weekly live zoom group sessions: These will run at 6pm UK time on Thursdays (to cover multiple time zones)

  • 1:1 session: At the mid-way point we will connect 1:1, we will evaluate where you are and discuss whatever topic is popping up for this at this time.

  • Facebook group: This will be a closed group and used for posts, updates, questions and allow for added accountability as we all connect and support each other through some of those inevitable wobbles or setbacks that so often throw us off track.



With the expert and friendly guidance of Toni-Marie, you will gain a deeper understanding of yourself and where you want to take your career that can have a huge impact on the rest of your life.


25 March - 2 May (Full)

Add yourself to the waiting list

Location: Online

Cost: £450

This includes:

All group and 1:1 calls

All videos, exercises and content

Closed social media group for continued community connection

Suitable for a global audience.  Prices are listed in GBP and times are listed in the UK time zone, however this program runs with a global audience.  Please contact me with questions.


'Toni is excellent at engaging the group and prompts self-exploration on many different levels related to future career desires'.  

'After attending the program, I have greater clarity for my next career move and I have the motivation to take the necessary action'.

'I enjoyed the program, it was great to connect with women from different back grounds and geographies'.

Image by Brooke Lark


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